Posted by: David D. Daggett | January 4, 2010



       What is your favorite time of day? Daybreak is my favorite part of the day. I enjoy the newness, optimism, beauty, and renewal that come with daybreak. Daybreak on New Year’s morning is my favorite daybreak of the year.

Daybreak 2010

Every year for more than 20 years I have done my New Year’s morning daybreak ride on my mountain bike. I leave home very early so that I can be out and around Salem Lake in time for the sunrise. I have been out in the cold, snow, rain, and everything in between. This year was very foggy, a little rainy, and chilly, but it was spectacular as always.

Daybreak on New Year’s morning is special because I am usually the only one who is up and around. This New Year’s morning I did not see another person during my entire ride. It was just me, the beauty of nature, wildlife, and my thoughts and dreams for 2010.

The wildlife seemed to be particularly active this New Year’s morning, and there were lots of birds and animals around to keep me company. At one point a group of four deer ran across the path about 20 yards in front of me. The most majestic sight was the beauty of a blue heron taking flight as I got close. It is easy for me to feel refreshed and alive in nature.

Daybreak for the New Year also is a time for me to reflect and look forward personally. 2010 is going to be a great year with many exciting events. With all of the excitement, ambition, and optimism for 2010 I also want to make sure that all aspects of my life are directed back to The Four Anchors.

Combining our professional, family/social, spiritual, and physical aspects of our lives and applying them to all our pursuits provide guiding principles as we embark on the New Year.

Daybreak 2010 raised the curtain on what promises to be an exciting, challenging, and fruitful 2010. Please join me in making this year the best it can be.

Refreshed by Daybreak,


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