Posted by: David D. Daggett | August 2, 2018



            Do you have it?  Do you get up in the morning and get after it?  Every day?  Do you take advantage of this free yet priceless competitive advantage?  As athletes, we probably think we were born to hustle…but do we really do it?


Michael works down at the street corner selling newspapers.  He is not as privileged as most of us.  He works harder than most, and probably receives relatively little pay.  He is up early every morning, very animated, and cheery.  His shirt this morning said “Hustle Everyday.”  Michael’s got it, and he is certainly further ahead than if he didn’t have it.  He is a mentor and hero to me.

Are you like Michael?  Hustle is a differentiator.  It is a competitive advantage that can take an average person and make them great.  Hustle creates a positive can-do attitude that is visible and gets things done.  Hustle is contagious and makes those around you better.  All of your talents are enhanced when you learn how to hustle.

Hustle doesn’t have excuses.  Hustle just keeps going.  Hustle can fill you will passion and a desire to get things done.   Make hustle a habit.  Don’t get me wrong, hustle isn’t easy.  And, it’s not for everyone.  Of course, for those that do this is good news because hustlers are already ahead.

Hustle takes energy.  Energy therefore is a decision.  Adopt a healthy fitness lifestyle that gives you the energy to hustle.  I was laughing with my swim buddy this morning as we were about ready to dive in the pool at 4:45 this morning.  We joked that we are two average guys who are already ahead of the competition because they are still sleeping while we are rolling.  The competition may be smarter and more talented, but while they are sleeping we are already after it.  And, we’ll be right back at it tomorrow, and the day after that, and so on.   You can’t stop a hustler!

Hustlers have dreams, and those dreams are what makes them hustle.  Hustle is the action that pursues the dreams.  Without the hustle, dreams are just wishful thinking.  The hustle is the constant movement toward your goals.  Fuel your hustle with passion toward a worthy goal – even if you have conjure up the passion to get it going.  Fire up your passion and let’s get after it!

Hustle is the opposite of complacency, and complacency is epidemic all around us.  If you don’t have hustle, find someone who does and try to “catch it.”  Create a mentality that always has you hustling towards worthy goals.  Then, renew it every day.  Let’s get going!  Come on, you can do it…let’s go!

Let’s hustle,


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