Posted by: David D. Daggett | June 16, 2008



     Over the past several weeks we have discussed the Ironman Blueprint, Marathon Blueprint, and Training With Family. Of course, for many of us a focused purpose for our training is actually racing. However, the best result from the training is a healthy, fitness lifestyle that I call “The Bonus!”

     The Bonus is the resulting health that allows us to have a happy, active lifestyle. Virtually every older person I know cherishes, or longs for, their health more than any other asset. For every single person, at some point, health is the most valuable and priceless possession they have.

Health is a way of life. Good health is usually a matter of choice, not of chance. Like anything else, this choice is not always easy, and takes consistent, repetitive effort over an extended period of time – your lifetime!

Health and a healthy lifestyle can also be a powerful positive influence on others. Exposing and including our children in a healthy lifestyle naturally perpetuates health as a habit, or way of life, from generation to generation.

There is an old saying that children learn in one of three ways – by example; by example; and by example. In the same way, children learn to be healthy by example. Accordingly, if health is as valuable as we all think it is when we age, then what a gift this example is for the coming generations.

Health and fitness also tend to be contagious. If you make it one of your anchors, there is a good chance it will influence others who come in contact with us and the other aspects of our lives. This includes not only our families, but also friends, church acquaintances, co-workers, and employees.

By taking care of ourselves, we are also taking care of our children, and taking care of others around us. A fit and healthy lifestyle is a positive example and enhances the quality of life for those around us.

Thankful for the bonus,


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